NSS LNCT, Bhopal is fueled by the dedication and commitment of its student and faculty volunteers. These enthusiastic volunteers actively engage in various social development activities, embodying the motto of the National Service Scheme (N.S.S.): “Not Me, But You.”

The NSS LNCT chapter has undertaken several noteworthy activities and achieved significant milestones. Here are some of their major accomplishments:

  1. Dene ka Sukh: In response to an appeal by the Dainik Bhaskar Group, NSS Volunteers collected approximately 10 quintals of grains, including wheat, rice, pulses, and khichdi. These provisions were distributed to elderly homes, slums, and SOS Bal Gram, aiming to provide sustenance and support to those in need.
  2. World AIDS Day: NSS LNCT organized a range of activities on World AIDS Day, including poster competitions, debates, and quizzes. These events aimed to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and foster dialogue on prevention, treatment, and stigma associated with the disease.
  3. Vriksha Ropan: Responding to the call by the Nav Duniya Group, NSS Volunteers conducted extensive tree plantation drives within and outside the campus. This initiative aimed to contribute to environmental sustainability and promote a greener ecosystem.
  4. NSS Camp: A seven-day NSS Camp was organized in Adampur village. During this camp, NSS volunteers tirelessly worked day and night to extend support and assistance to the needy individuals in the community. Through this experience, volunteers gained valuable insights into the challenges faced by rural communities and learned important life lessons in resilience and happiness amidst limited resources.

Apart from these specific activities, NSS LNCT focuses on the holistic development of its volunteers by engaging them in various social service initiatives. Through their participation in different social activities, NSS volunteers not only contribute to the betterment of society but also undergo personal growth and personality development.

NSS LNCT serves as a platform for nurturing compassionate and responsible individuals who understand the importance of giving back to society. By actively engaging in social development activities, these volunteers develop empathy, leadership skills, and a sense of civic responsibility.

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